Cade Wiki

ValentineMorgenstern342 ValentineMorgenstern342 10 February 2013

Admins Needed!

We are getting ready to expand the Cade wiki, and we need admins! So if you would like, please put your name in the comments if you are asking for a promotion.

Bureucrats: No spots available, Taken: BlazeSonic, Bat Forever, & ArianaGrandeForever

Admins: 5 spots avaliable

Chat Mods: 5 spots avaliable

Rollbacks: 5 spots avaliable

If you a new to this wiki, I require a minimum of 5 edits on pages in order for a promotion (not in message walls/profiles/etc). If you do that, we will consider giving you a promotion. However, chat mods do not have to edit, except be on chat at least once a week. If you just want a promotion cause you just want to be an admin, that is an automatic no. (IN PROGRESS)

If you would like a promotion, please ask an admin. :) Who do …

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